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What We Do

Camo To College™ is a nonprofit with a mission to provide a transition program that will increase the use of Veteran educational benefits, and decrease post service Veteran issues by providing support during the transition into life after service. Learn more.

  • Josh Arnold * Camo To College President
    Josh Arnold * Camo To College President

    When I left the military, it felt like I was going at it alone. I didn't have a team to have my back like I had grown accustomed to. I would have loved to participate in the services provided by Camo To College and find my new team to navigate this next phase of life with.

Understanding the issues

Over 70% of Veterans do not use the G.I. Bill benefits that they have earned. Veterans who utilize these benefits are less likely to suffer from post service issues such as suicide and homelessness. Increasing the use of these benefits will have long term health advantages for our Veterans.

  • Annual Veterans Exiting the Military


  • Percentage of Veterans NOT Utilizing GI Bill Benefits


  • Veteran Suicides with a College Degree


  • Avg Years After Discharge Suicide Occurs


Our Blog

This One Time in the Military illustrates life in the military and identifies the hilarity and oddities that change the civilian into a Veteran. It is designed to be fun, but also to explain why the transition back to civilian life is so difficult. The pilot blog is fittingly the transition from civilian to military recruit.

Corporate Partners

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  • Abel Boards
    Abel Boards